Contact Herring Orthodontics in Hickory, NC
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At Herring Orthodontics, we work hard to give our patients exceptional treatment, genuine dedication, and our undivided attention. We want to ensure that you always have all the information you need to make decisions. Use this form to learn more about treatment options, or other services we offer, and one of our team members will get back to you as soon as possible.
Looking To Schedule an Appointment in Hickory?
Our goal is to give patients in Hickory the healthy, straight, and beautiful smiles they deserve, and we’ve been doing just that since 1982. Herring Orthodontics will work with you every step to give you the customized, individual care you deserve. Schedule a consultation today and let our team give you reasons to smile!
Getting to Our Orthodontics Office Is Easy
Directions From Lenoir, NC
Take US-321 Southbound. Then take 12th Ave NW, 6th St NW, 16th Ave NW and 2nd St NE to 10th Ave Dr NE
Directions From Conover, NC
Take 1st St W and Highland Ave NE to 8th Ave NE in Hickory. Then follow 8th Ave NE and 5th St NE to 10th Ave Dr NE